So according to plan we delivered Hope on December 16Th. Hope was born at 7pm, weighing in at a whopping 7lbs 1oz and 18.5in. She is beautiful, looked exactly like Ellie, perfect. She is such a miracle a little angel straight from heaven. Love at first sight, not that we did not already love the little bug.
So the little rolly-poly was super strong right out a the shoot. Hope was able to lift her head and push herself off my chest right away. Nursing like a pro, she had such a strong suck she was able to get my milk in within 24 hours. I had my first scare when the doctors wanted to keep her for observation for a few extra days due to high pressures in her lungs. I thought she had a new condition that I had not prepared myself for, turns out it was what was to be expected just not explained to me very well, or should I say the same way it originally had been explained. Hope was a trooper though she was putting weight back on by day two.
We had some amazing nurses at Sacred Heart at Riverbend, mom and baby unit. Love you guys. We were able to be home before Christmas, best Christmas present for our entire family.
Our first few days home seamed to be going well, we were eating non stop and sleeping good. We had our first appointment with the cardiologist at a week and a half old. The cardiologist gave us some great news, they told us that she had every defect possible, but they were are very small and that instead of planning a surgery before 4 months old, it would not be until she was between 2 and 4 years old. Wow, how amazing is that best news yet.
It was not until about day 4 I realized Miss Hope was not her normally strong self so I decided to start pumping and feeding her with a bottle to see how much she was getting. In the mean time we had a few weight checks and her weight seamed to drop a bit, down to 6lb 10oz, then a week later to 6lb 9oz, so on January 8Th we had to take her up to be admitted to Doernbecker children's hospital. I was so frighted, fear that my poor baby would have to go through uncomfortable testing, and possibly being put on a feeding tube.
We arrived at the hospital in the early evening my dear friend Amber took miss Hope and I up so daddy could stay home with our young ladies. I am so grateful for Amber and her calmness and reassuring way that helped to set me at ease as to what I would expect.
Soon after arriving the wonderful nursing staff and fabulous doctors (the entourage) were quick to reassure me that they were going to do everything necessary and figure it out. They too quickly set me at ease by letting me know that for the most part they would just observe her and maybe tweak her feedings to help manage her nutrition. My fear quickly changed to relief and we were able to get an ounce and a half on her the first night. Simple changes like adding a different fortifier to her breast milk and a little thickener to help slow down the flow and we were on the right path. By day two she had put on 3 oz., one more day for observation and she was given the OK to head home. Just in time for a visit from Gran pa.
When we got home we went to our next weight check and it was the first time anyone could hear her heart defect. Her doctor finally could hear it, we thought that was a good sign that the pressure in her lungs had gone away. I was so excited.
At five weeks we had our second cardiology appointment, this time we had mixed reviews. Her doctor informed me that the pulmonary hypertension was not gone and that if it did not go away soon it could cause damage to both her lungs and her heart. Our hopes and prayers are that the pressure goes away asap, at least before four months of age, if it doesn't they will probably have to give her an open heart surgery to correct defects before she is six months old. The good news was if it does go away then we might never have to have a surgery. Her defects are so small that she may be just fine. The only defect they will watch is one of the valves has a cleft in it, if the cleft begins to allow blood to leak through it we would then have the surgery, but if not she may never need one.
Hope is now 6 weeks old, she is 7lbs 11.5oz and 20in long. She is such a joy and a fabulous baby. She is already rolling over and is just amazing. We are so excited for each of her milestones and are ready for anything that comes our way. She will be just fine, we have an amazing group of friends and family who continue to pray for our angel and she will grow to prove to the world just how amazing she is.