I have been reading so many wonderful inspiring blogs which makes me wonder how or if my story can help or encourage or benefit anyone. I have not posted in a few years now it seams and that also seams so wrong because time must just be blowing by.
My children are growing leaps and bounds and have had so many great moments in the past couple years.
Quentin is now a Junior in high school and still the absolute light of my life, nothing like mommas little boy and the joy he brings me even if it is through a whole lot of teenage baloney. This past summer he grew into a man and just shocked us all with how handsome and mature he has gotten.
He is playing football varsity and is a total rock star, pictures to come.
Cheyanne my little big girl and has been that for some time now. She grows more and more beautiful every day. She has decided to come live with me full time and go to school close by. She has made some great new friends and is involved with lots of fun activities and sports. She seems to be very happy and well adjusted. I was worried about her for some time but she is really maturing into a lovely lady. Still a wacky wild and crazy girl but that is what being a 13 year old is all about.
Now miss Ellie, Ellie has recently started kindergarten. Kindergarten has been a major milestone for our family. Unfortunately Billy was not able to be a part of several of Jaida's milestones, kindergarten being one of them. So Ellie was his first experience with sending one of his little angels off into the big bad world. I was worried she would lose some of her innocence, she is such a sweet loving and generous little girl. So far so good, she still comes home with the wonder and amazement of each day in her eyes, and the pride that she is doing something amazing. She puts every little drawing up on display and each sketch is just another representation that she is so unique and wonderful.
Linnie, Linnie, Linnie, what can I say about Linnie. She is so wild. She is so energetic and out of this world when it comes to the things she says and does. This little girl has every person standing guard at all times. She has absolutely no fear of anything in this world. She is independent and bright as they come. The child can operate a computer or anything else she sees necessary with no explanation what so ever. Linnie has put especially her dad through a ringer I swore he has at least 3 gray hairs with her name on them. We watch this little angel with so much amazement. I think she is the smartest of the group, already knowing all her colors, letters, shapes, and numbers. She is a beast as well weighing as much as her big sister. She is the most polite and well mannered child but definitely has her own mind, when she is done she is done, when she wants something she gets it. She has put us through some challenging times. She is so stinking independent and smart she has ventured out alone on a few occasions to leave us wonder and scared to death as to where she went. So no taking this one for granted world. Ready or not.
Both of the little girls have been involved in ballet for the past couple years and are amazing talented and beautiful. They love to preform and are unstoppable.
With all these milestones and growing of our babies, it left us wondering maybe we should try for another one, maybe get the little boy Billy so desperately wanted. So in March of 2010 we decided yep it was time, one last shot and so starts an new chapter in our lives one that will bring tears, and fears, and amazing blessings.
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